What the flip is SEO?

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May 28, 2024
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6 minutes

Sooo... what is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It's the practice of enhancing your website to make it more attractive to search engines like Google. The goal is to improve your site's visibility in search results, driving more traffic, engagement, and conversions.

Why do I need SEO?

Imagine having the best coffee shop in town, but no one knows it exists because it’s hidden down a dark alley with no signs. You may get a few unique visitors, but not nearly as many as if you were positioned on the main street. SEO is about getting your website on the main street, giving it high visibility in search results. Higher visibility means more people can find and visit your site, leading to more leads, awareness, and sales—all the reasons you have a website.

SEO = higher ranking in search results = more leads!

It's about mutual benefit

Search engines want to provide the best results for their users. Their primary goal is to give their users the most accurate results for their search, and they achieve this by using advanced algorithms. When someone enters a search query, the algorithm considers several factors:

  • Relevance: Ensuring your content matches what users are searching for.
  • User Experience: Making sure the site is fast, easy to use, and mobile-friendly.
  • Content Quality: Looking for high-quality, original content (not AI-generated garbage).
  • User Intent: Understanding and addressing what users really want.
  • Authority: Checking that the site is connected with other reliable, high-ranking websites.

Understanding these factors gives you a good starting point for optimization. By aligning your website with what the algorithm values, you increase your chances of ranking higher. When your site meets all the criteria that search engines look for, they reward you by placing you at the top–the most visible spot. This mutual benefit means that as you fulfill the search engine's criteria, they achieve their goal of providing the best possible results to users.

How does SEO work?

As the definition of the word 'optimize' suggests, search engine optimization means enhancing various aspects of your website to improve its interaction with the search engine's algorithm. The optimizations can be categorized into three main sections:

  • On-Page SEO: This involves everything on the web page itself, including written content, images, and internal links. Key optimizations include effective use of keywords, refining quality content, maintaining a good heading hierarchy, and ensuring a clear and concise linking structure.
  • Off-Page SEO: This encompasses aspects that search engines look for outside of your website, such as backlinks from high-authority websites, which increase your website's authority.
  • Technical SEO: These are the technical aspects of your website that search engines evaluate, such as ensuring your site is responsive across devices and that it loads at a reasonable speed.

Search engine optimization works by adjusting, monitoring, and refining these three areas. Like any optimization, there is no silver bullet. Think of it like physical health: you can't eat a salad and some quinoa, do a few bicep curls, go for a jog, and expect to be in peak physical condition. SEO requires ongoing changes and monitoring to see how those changes make a difference. Like physical health, time and effort are required.

SEO is like exercise - you can't do a couple of burpees and expect instant (and permanent!) results. Like physical health, ongoing time and effort are needed to really see results from SEO.
SEO is like exercise - you can't do a couple of burpees and expect instant (and permanent!) results. Like physical health, ongoing time and effort are needed to really see results from SEO.


SEO is essential for making your website visible and attracting more visitors. It's about more than just achieving high rankings; it's about contributing to a functional, reliable internet for everyone.

Aim to create a website that truly meets the needs of your audience, not just to be the top result. SEO isn't overly complex, but it does require time and effort. By focusing on providing value and aligning with search engine best practices, you can ensure your website is both discoverable and genuinely helpful to users.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) makes your website more visible and attractive to search engines, driving more traffic and engagement. It involves on-page, off-page, and technical optimizations. SEO is crucial for making your site discoverable and helpful to users, requiring consistent effort and alignment with search engine best practices.

In this article:
Sooo... what is SEO?
Why do I need SEO?
It's about mutual benefit
How does SEO work?
Like what you read?
SEO isn't rocket science... but who has the time?!

Don't sweat the small stuff. Let us handle your SEO and watch your website get the attention it deserves. Focus on what you love, and we'll do the rest!

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